Illinois Wanderlust? With my summer break winding down, filled with earnest home improvement, I took a moment to put my head above water and reflect. What would be the most important thing I could accomplish before I returned to another busy year of teaching?
Though I had accomplished much on my list in the way of home improvement and car maintenance, my list also seemed to be getting longer. But there was another list; a list of dreams. I realized the most important thing I could do before my free time was limited to occasional evenings and weekends was to make one of my "wanderlust" dreams come true.
Aside from riding to the store or a few five to ten mile rides per week that combined an appointment or other errand, I was not in particularly good shape. I remembered reading a few weeks ago some good advice from a late-in-life bicycle tourist - "just go. Take it easy, and you will get in shape." I decided at that moment I would try to ride from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River.
I had plotted out a route in my mind many times before, often scribbled down on random pieces of paper. My worst-case-scenario was I could take the train back from Geneva. I also realized that while it was important for me to experience the breadth of Illinois, my home state, it was also important for me to just be "out there."
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