Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sunday on the Illinois Prairie Path!

Starting in Maywood, into the wind for an easy ride back!

At the junction in Winfield...

Muddy Path Returns!

Morning ride to DesPlaines River off Thatcher Road in River Grove. The water has subsided and the muddy path revealed!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Des Plaines River, River Grove

The Des Plaines River spends much of the time flooded. Thus southern section is regularly impassable. The trail goes far north, to Wisconsin. It ends a few miles from the Bristol Renaissance Faire.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Another New Spring!!

This is the 2020 Spring, marked by the quarantine of the COVID -19, a new reality. I hope everyone reading this is staying safe and healthy and caring for their loved ones.

I’ve been getting out most early mornings to stretch my legs on new side street routes I’ve discovered that are uncluttered with car traffic. I found a nice way to the Illinois Prairie Path and am looking forward to more rides stretching further.

I spent some time cleaning and maintenancing my bike. The Brooks C15 All Weather has worked out well. It’s been more comfortable than the B17 Flyer I had. I don’t miss the springs of the previous seat. This seat is also much lighter and can get wet. The narrower width is actually fine, if not better for my sit bones. The only other seat I would try from here would be the Berthoud.

I’m looking forward to making more posts of jaunting around this wild onion region! 🧅 stay safe!